Emotional Wellbeing

Anxious and Avoidant in Relationship: The Pursuer-Distancer Dynamic

We all have different needs for closeness and distance, for intimacy and independence. You might have heard terms like anxious or avoidant attachment to describe this, and these tendencies can create challenges – particularly when people with different needs try to relate to each other. In this episode, Dr. Rick and Forrest explore why we’re

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Healthy Habits for University Life

In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, host Fergal Fox speaks with Dr. Eithne Hunt, an Occupational Therapist and Lecturer at University College Cork, about practical tips for students to support their health and wellbeing in third level education. This episode is full of useful information for students, parents and teachers

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Understanding and Overcoming Social Anxiety: Attachment, Exposure and Confidence

In this episode, Dr. Rick and Forrest explore the all-too-common challenge of social anxiety. They break down what it really means to be socially anxious (hint: it’s not just being shy), where those feelings come from, and why they stick around. Rick explains the roots of social anxiety, highlighting the role of attachment styles and

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The Function of Anxiety with Dr. Richard Hogan

Anxiety can feel like something that is there to ruin our life, but the little alarm system going off inside us is actually incredibly important in giving us warning signals and keeping us alive. In this week’s episode Niall is joined by Dr. Richard Hogan, renowned psychotherapist and clinical director of Therapy Institute. Richard’s work

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