Where There’s A Will. Episode 04: Stigma

This episode turns the lens on ourselves: because while the mental health system needs to be fixed, we have to look at our role in that as a society.

We need to ask ourselves: do we have an epidemic of mental health problems in Ireland? How do we contribute to poor mental health through stigma, and through creating policies and planning for a society that doesn’t put people at the centre? And we need to ask, how do we collectively build commuinities and systems that catch people when they fall?

In this episode, we speak to Brian Higgins, CEO of Pieta House, Shari McDaid, CEO of Mental Health Reform, Dominic Laydon, CEO of Aware; and Leon tells his personal story of facing stigma within and outside of the system.

Where There’s A Will is presented by A Lust for Life.
See http://alustforlife.com for more!

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