This episode of @owningitpodcast is specific to those of us struggling with anxiety as we parent our kids. Namely, it’s about how to regulate yourself so that you can help to regulate your child when their emotions are so erratic (which they are, naturally, at such a young age). How to handle tantrums, meltdowns, hard days and irrational toddlers without being left reeling in stress and anxiety yourself. For this episode I am joined by world renowned self regulation expert Dr Ethan Kross, neuroscientist and psychologist and New York Times Bestselling Author of Chatter. He’s also a parent so he just gets it. I hope you find it useful! Follow me on Instagram at the link above.
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Own your anxiety as and when it happens with Owning It: Real Time. The situation specific series of audio guides that helps you move through your most anxious moments. Available now on Acast+